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New Town Primary School Nurturing Brilliance, Inspiring Ambition


At New Town we believe that mathematics provides young learners with powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world they live in. Children often experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time and make links between different areas of mathematics. The language of mathematics is international; it transcends cultural barriers. At New Town, we find that children’s love for maths brings them together, giving them a shared purpose and experience. As a result, lessons are filled with purposeful activity and rich discussion.

How and what we teach in Maths

We follow the National Curriculum for maths which can be found here. We use the White Rose scheme of learning to support us in achieving these objectives. Using the White Rose scheme of learning, objectives are clearly sequenced so that new learning always builds on previous learning. Each topic is broken down into small steps, which teachers adapt as necessary based on the needs of their class. Maths is taught daily for approximately one hour a day in Years 1 – 6. Following the CPA model, children have the opportunity to use mathematical equipment to build their conceptual knowledge and understanding of the topic, then they move on to pictorial representations of the concept before using mathematical symbols and methods to solve problems.

In addition to the White Rose scheme of Learning, teachers identify regular opportunities to ‘bring maths to life’ with practical and/or investigation type lessons. This allows children to see how maths is used in real life and to learn how they can apply their mathematical skills, making connections between different topics.

As well as maths lessons, maths meetings are held daily. This is a 15-20 minute part of the day, separate to the maths lesson, where children have the opportunity to practise their fluency and understanding, re-visit concepts which aren’t being currently taught and practise mathematical vocabulary.  

Maths in the early years

Mathematics is one of the specific areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. It teaches children to develop skills like problem solving, spatial awareness, and an understanding of shapes and measurement. The aim is to give the children firm foundations in all areas of maths in order to excel in the national curriculum. 

In the early years, there is a heavy focus on learning number, through exploring the composition of numbers and the relationship it has with other numbers such as number bonds to 10. Children explore concepts through a hands-on approach and use manipulatives to support understanding. Children explore shape, size, mass and capacity in a practical way learning through experimenting and comparison, all the while developing the vocabulary needed to flourish as mathematicians.

Extending and supporting pupils’ learning

We recognise that not all children learn at the same pace. Our teachers are highly skilled in adapting the lesson to suit the needs of each individual whether this be through scaffolding a task to make it accessible, tracking back to cement the foundations of knowledge, or to extend a pupil who has quickly grasped a concept through a challenge activity.

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers have been created for each year group in order to support children with the key concept for their year group. This can also be used by parents at home in order to support children with their learning at home. You can find each year group’s maths knowledge organiser on the website under the curriculum tab.

How can I help my child?

At home there are many opportunities to apply maths to everyday situations. These are a few examples of things you can do at home:

- Encourage your children to cook with you, measuring ingredients as you go.

- Discuss distances when you are travelling, as well as how long journeys take.

- Use ‘real’ money with your children so they are used to coins and notes.

- Use analogue clocks so children get used to reading and calculating with time.

- Play counting games, practise counting backwards and forwards as well as in sequences.

Children have also been set either a Numbots account or a Timestable Rockstar account. Allowing them to play these online games for a short amount of time each day will develop their fluency with number bonds and times tables. Tournaments have been set up between year groups to encourage participation.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Number Bots  

As part of the Our Learning document, children are set maths homework which is related to what they have been learning in the classroom. This gives the opportunity for parents to work alongside children to understand what they’ve been learning and gives children the chance to consolidate their understanding. The Our Learning document can be found on the website under the curriculum tab.