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New Town Primary School Nurturing Brilliance, Inspiring Ambition

Music Therapy

We are so lucky to be able to be providing a variety of therapies at school and one of these is Music Therapy. This is a gentle, non-intrusive method of working with children who need a little help to support their emotional and learning needs.  If we see that your child has shown that they have needed a little extra support in some areas of learning and we feel that they would benefit from work with a therapist, then they will be given a personal invitation to access the support.  

The creative arts are now widely recognised as being beneficial in the emotional development of children as they have a therapeutic value. Music uses the same techniques that we use everyday for building relationships, listening, turn taking, sharing and using eye contact, as music is also self-expressive.  

Whole Step creative Therapy have worked with New Town for a many years and our relationship has supported a number of children to feel successful and confident. Our therapists, Janelle and Rima, support children for one session every week either as groups or 1:1. 

Each session is held in a quiet space, The Glade, where your child will not be disturbed.  You will be invited to meet with the therapist at the start of the sessions and will receive updates during the year, with an end of year report in July.